When we hear the words of Hebrews 12:14—“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord”—we’re reminded of a call that transcends culture, generation, and location. It’s a call to embrace Scriptural holiness, a holiness that transforms our lives and the lives of those around us. At Mission 216, this Scripture forms the core of our mission as we seek to reflect God’s love and truth in Cleveland’s Westside, our “Land.”
Our community, rich in Latino culture and values, holds faith as a central part of daily life. To us, “sin santidad no se verá a Dios”—without holiness, we cannot see God—isn’t just a phrase; it’s a truth we live by. Holiness in our context is more than an individual pursuit; it’s an invitation to bring God’s presence into every corner of our lives and neighborhoods. This isn’t about perfecting ourselves but about embodying God’s character in every relationship, decision, and outreach.
As we dig deeper into what it means to pursue holiness, we find strength in Leviticus 11:44, where God says, “Be holy, because I am holy.” This call reminds us that holiness isn’t optional but essential. It’s about aligning ourselves with God’s character, embracing His love, purity, and justice. Through Mission 216, we work to make this calling visible, serving as beacons of hope and light in the neighborhoods we serve. We strive to bring Scriptural holiness into the streets of Cleveland’s Westside, so our neighbors can see that God is not distant but alive and present among us.
But what does this look like on the ground? In James 1:27, we read that, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” For us, Scriptural holiness isn’t about living in isolation but actively serving our community. Through Mission 216, we reach out to those who feel forgotten, offer compassion to those in need, and protect our hearts from the world’s empty promises. Our mission is to bring God’s Word alive in tangible, practical ways that meet real needs and touch real lives.
We find hope and strength in Jesus’ prayer in John 17:17, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” Through this, we recognize that true holiness is not found in human effort alone—it’s rooted in the truth of God’s Word. As we take the message of Scriptural holiness into The Land, we allow His Word to guide, shape, and purify us. Our neighborhoods are transformed as we spread this truth, bringing light into dark places and peace where there is turmoil.
Through Mission 216, Scriptural holiness becomes more than a personal journey; it’s a community mission, a shared pursuit of God’s Kingdom here on Earth. We don’t merely preach holiness; we strive to live it, letting our actions and our lives be a reflection of God’s love, justice, and mercy. Our prayer is that as we pursue holiness, others in The Land will see and experience God’s presence among us.
Let’s walk this journey together, carrying God’s Word as our foundation and His love as our north star. May The Land—the neighborhoods, families, and streets of Cleveland’s Westside—be forever changed as we spread Scriptural holiness through Mission 216. And as we pursue this vision, may we become a living testament to the power of a holy, loving God working through His people.